Once again it was stinkin` hot, so it was nice to be somwhere we could all swim ( we didn`t realize crabs could swim!!). The day ended with our 182nd viewing of Lemony Snicketts.
Today was another hot one, and unfortunately called for a visit to shore. We needed to go to West Marine to get charts for the Delaware and Chesapeake Bays. This really brought to focus how much we love being on the boat and hate having to be onshore. Mitch and I caught a cab to WM, Lisa and Delaney checked out the local shops in town. We also picked-up a few necessities (milk, bread, cerveza),before gettting back just before some bad weather.I had actually just taken the kids off in the dinghy to check-out some kiteboarding kites off in the distance (hopefully get some kiting in tomorrow), when the front moved in. As we were heading back to the boat, we hit a wall of wind that was about 10C cooler than anything we had felt the past 2 days. The wind had also shifted 180 degrees from the heading it was on when we set the anchor (no fear, our new $600 Rocna15 anchor was up to the challeng).
Anyway, some pretty spectacular thunder and lightning kept us entertained, the benefit being a great sunset.
The kids were a great help cleaning up after supper, Delaney even made us some garlic toast to go along with the pasta.
We really needed a change after two longs days on the Hudson River and our time in NYC . It was taking it`s toll . It`s not always easy keeping everyone happy and entertained, kids and adults alike!
1 comment:
Charlotte-Ann Crew,
We saw your blog mentioned on s/v Pelican's site. We're a cruising family (past and future but not presently) and would love to get in touch with you and maybe meet up if you're passing near DC or coming through the Chesapeake. Please e-mail at crew "at" svbelisana "dot" com.
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