Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Lazy Days in Green Turtle Cay, Time to Move On
Sunday, January 3, 2010
New Year's in Green Turtle Cay
There are 2 main anchorages/mooring fields on GTC, White Sound and Black Sound. Our first night here we anchored in White Sound, but then after a day of exploring we moved to Black Sound where we (unsuccessfully) tried to anchor. We ended-up grabbing a morring ball for $10.00/night. This put us a short dinghy ride from our new hang-out, Pineapples!!! Nothing more than a little Tiki-Hut, they serve killer rum punches (rum with a splash of juice), amazing food (conch fritters anyone??), a saltwater pool for the kids along with a small beach. They also have free internet and showers for $3.00.
As you can see, the water colour is amazing, and it's all around 78F.
On New Years' Eve we joined a bunch of other cruisers at the Green Turtle Club for a Cruisers Potluck. Everyone dinghied over from the 2 anchorages, laid all the food out on a table and had a few drinks.
New Years Day was Junkanoo, a smaller version of Carnival you would see in Rio. It was "supposed" to start at 1400hrs, but like everything else in the Bahamas, it runs on "Island Time" so no one was expecting a prompt start.
After Junkanoo was over, Aimer, Brian and the kids joined us on "Charlotte-Ann" for a BBQ supper. We all had a good time, including the kids as you can see.
Yesterday Lisa got a few well-deserved hours of solitude while I took the kids for a walk through town. The original plan was to get our propane tank filled, so I needed to find out the timing since it has to be sent away from here. It was going to be another 4 days before the mailboat was here next. That would be Wednesday, so the tank would go in on the boat and be returned the following Wednesday. Once again, Island Time. We walked to Gillam Bay, the spot where I am hoping to get some kiting in. The wind was good, both speed and direction, but by the time we got there it would have been a long haul back to the boat to get my gear.
No worries, the weather has cooled somewhat and will be strong out of the North for a few days. Plenty of time to get caught up on schoolwork and get some kiting sessions in.
Right now I am sitting on the deck at Pineapples listening to the waves crash and the church bells in New Plymouth annnouncing the start of Sunday Masses. There are 3 dogs and 2 cats sleeping under a palm tree in front of me, 2 lizards that keep jumping out from under the deck everytime the sun comes out, and a few Bahamian wild parrots screeching in the mangroves near the dinghy.
A guy could get used to this!!!!
Mark, Lisa, Delaney and Mitchell.